Generally, people come out and spend time in the Herland Forest to find a location that speaks to them. But if people are not able to travel easily, we’ve put together this online tour of the various locations that are ready for immediate burials.

Nature has divided Herland Forest into three distinct areas:

  • The East Forest, an open, park-like area with fir, pine, and oak trees.
  • The Middle Forest, a more densely forested area with a hidden pond.
  • The Western Forest with its stand of ancient oaks.

Below you’ll find pictures of each of the burial options currently available. And below each picture, there’s a slide show with the view from the grave facing north, west, south, and then east.

Direct Burial Options in The Eastern Forest

Direct Burial Option 01

Panoramic slideshow from the grave – click on arrows to view

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Direct Burial Option 02

Panoramic slideshow from the grave – click on arrows to view

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Direct Burial Option 04

Panoramic slideshow from the grave – click on arrows to view

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Direct Burial Options in The Middle Forest

Direct Burial Option 03

Panoramic slideshow from the grave – click on arrows to view

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Direct Burial Option 10

Panoramic slideshow from the grave – click on arrows to view

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Direct Burial Options in the Western Forest

Direct Burial Option 05

Panoramic slideshow from the grave – click on arrows to view

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Direct Burial Option 06

Panoramic slideshow from the grave – click on arrows to view

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Direct Burial Option 08

Panoramic slideshow from the grave – click on arrows to view

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Direct Burial Option 09

Panoramic slideshow from the grave – click on arrows to view

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