What’s the compost like?
Amelia’s dad was reduced here in the Herland Forest last fall. Last month, the family picked up the drums of compost and took them away to be used by the family.
Not knowing what to expect, Amelia had some trepidation when they removed the lid of the first of the three, open-topped, 55 gallon drums.
Here’s what she wrote:
Today, mom and I opened up one of the barrels that has my dad’s dirt in it. I was apprehensive, a little afraid of what I might be about to see and smell and experience.
What I found was the wonderful, comforting smell of the earth. My dad returned to a form we are all headed to eventually. A form that will allow his transformed physical body to help fertilize new things that want to grow, the plants that we all rely on for each breath we take in our lifespan. It was moving. Very powerful.
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the care you have shown my family and for your courage and dedication to changing our cultural practices around death. It’s been an honor to participate. ~ Amelia T.